We are proud to announce that Innovative Diagnostics has obtained:
- ISO 13485:2016 certification, attesting to our commitment to supply quality in vitro diagnostic medical devices, and our ability to meet regulatory requirements.
This certification covers the production and distribution of in vitro diagnostic kits for the detection of infectious diseases in humans. This certification does not currently apply to our products intended for both veterinary and human use (zoonotic diseases).
- ISO 9001:2015 renewal certification, attesting to our commitment to continuous improvement, customer satisfaction and the commercialization of products and services in line with expectations.
This certification covers all our activities, including R&D, production and sales of in vitro diagnostics.
Awarded by AFNOR CERTIFICATION, this double certification demonstrates Innovative Diagnostics’ commitment and ability to act towards a “One Health” approach in the field of veterinary and medical devices.