- Freeze-dried CEM Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene Lyo™ Contagious Equine metritis TKP quadruplex
- ID Screen® Borreliosis Double Antigen Multi-species
- Freeze-dried Borrelia positive serum
- ID Screen® African Horse Sickness Indirect
- Freeze-dried negative horse serum
- Freeze-dried EHV-1/4 reference serum
- ID Screen® EHV-1/EHV-4 Discrimination test Indirect
- West Nile IgM positive equine freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® West Nile IgM Capture
- West Nile IgG positive equine freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Flavivirus Competition
- ID Screen® Streptococcus equi Indirect
- Freeze-dried Glanders reference serum
- ID Screen® Glanders Double Antigen Multi-species
- EVA positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Equine Viral Arteritis Indirect
- Freeze-dried EIA-AGID reference serum
- Agar gel – EIA AGID
- EIA positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Equine Infectious Anemia Double Antigen
- ID Screen® Influenza H5 Antibody Competition 3.0 Multi-species
- ID Gene™ EHDV Advantage Duplex
- ID Gene™ BTV & EHDV Advantage Triplex
- Freeze-dried BTV Target Positive Control
- ID Gene™ Bluetongue genotypes 8 and 4 Triplex 2.0
- ID Gene™ Bluetongue genotype 3 Duplex
- ID Screen® CBPP Competition
- ID Rapid® Rift Valley Fever Antigen
- EHDV Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ EHDV Duplex
- ID Gene™ Ruminant Abortion Multiplex HRM
- BVDV Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ BVDV/BDV Triplex 2.0
- ID Gene™ Easy Preparation of Ear Notch Samples 2.0
- ID Gene™ Easy preparation for faeces samples
- Haemolytic serum
- Guinea pig complement
- Complement Fixation Test Buffer
- ID Screen® Bovine Brucellosis Indirect
- Interferon gamma positive freeze-dried buffalo activated plasma
- ID Screen® IBR gB Competition
- ID Gene™ Bluetongue Duplex
- Bluetongue positive freeze-dried milk
- ID Screen® Bluetongue Milk Indirect
- ID Screen® Akabane Competition
- Tuberculins for in vitro cell activation
- Interferon gamma negative freeze-dried plasma
- Interferon gamma positive freeze-dried caprine activated plasma
- Interferon gamma positive freeze-dried ovine activated plasma
- Interferon gamma positive freeze-dried bovine activated plasma
- ID Screen® Ruminant IFN-g
- ID Gene™ Toxoplasma gondii Duplex
- ID Gene™ Schmallenberg Duplex
- ID Screen® Schmallenberg virus Milk Indirect
- ID Screen® Schmallenberg virus Indirect Multi-species
- Schmallenberg virus positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Schmallenberg virus Competition Multi-species
- Rift Valley Fever IgM-positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Rift Valley Fever IgM Capture
- RVFV IgG-positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Rift Valley Fever Competition Multi-species
- ID Gene™ Q Fever Triplex
- ID Screen® Q Fever Indirect Multi-species
- ID Gene™ Peste des Petits Ruminants Duplex
- PPR positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® PPR Competition
- ID Screen® PPR Antigen Capture
- ID Rapid® PPR Antigen
- Freeze-dried PPR Antigen
- ID Gene™ Paratuberculosis Duplex
- Mycobactin J
- Paratuberculosis negative freeze-dried serum
- Paratuberculosis positive freeze-dried serum
- Freeze-dried Paratuberculosis positive milk
- ID Screen® Paratuberculosis Indirect
- PI-3 monoclonal antibody
- Ovine Contagious Epididymitis antigen for the complement fixation test
- ID Gene™ Neospora Caninum Duplex
- N. caninum positive freeze-dried milk
- ID Screen® Neospora caninum Indirect
- N. caninum positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Neospora caninum Competition
- Freeze-dried M. bovis reference serum
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma bovis Indirect
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma agalactiae Indirect
- MVV / CAEV positive freeze-dried serum
- Freeze-dried MVV / CAEV reference milk
- ID Screen® MVV / CAEV Indirect
- ID Screen® IBR Milk Indirect – Biwell format
- ID Screen® IBR Milk Indirect
- ID Screen® IBR Indirect
- ID Screen® IBR gE Competition
- IBR Positive freeze-dried bovine milk
- IBR positive freeze-dried serum
- IBR Negative freeze-dried bovine milk
- EHDV positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® EHDV Competition
- ID Gene™ Q Fever-Chlamydophila spp
- ID Gene™ Chlamydophila spp Duplex
- Chlamydophila abortus positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Chlamydophila abortus Indirect Multi-species
- Freeze-dried CCHF reference serum
- ID Screen® CCHF Double Antigen Multi-species
- ID Gene™ Capripox Virus Triplex
- ID Screen® Capripox Double Antigen Multi-species
- Freeze-dried BVDAGP80 reference material
- Hemolysis buffer
- ID Screen® BVD p80 Antigen Capture
- BVD/MD/BD positive freeze-dried serum
- BVD/MD/BD positive freeze-dried milk
- ID Screen® BVD p80 Antibody Competition
- Brucellosis Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ Brucella spp triplex
- Rose Bengal
- ID Screen® Brucellosis Milk Indirect
- Brucellosis Antigen for the Complement Fixation Test
- Agar gel – BLV AGID
- BLV positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® BLV Competition
- ID Screen® SARS-CoV-2 Double Antigen Multi-species ELISA
- Bluetongue positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Bluetongue Competition
- Brucellosis negative freeze-dried serum
- Brucellosis positive freeze-dried serum
- BHV-4 positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® BHV-4 Indirect
- BHV-4 monoclonal antibody
- BHV-2 positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® BHV-2 Indirect
- Freeze-dried Besnoitiosis positive milk
- Freeze-dried negative bovine milk
- ID Screen® Besnoitia Milk Indirect
- Besnoitia besnoiti positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Besnoitia Indirect 2.0
- ID Gene™ Anaplasma phagocytophilum Duplex
- Freeze-dried negative bovine serum
- Akabane positive freeze-dried serum
- Freeze-dried Mycobacterium bovis positive serum
- ID Screen® Porcine Tuberculosis Indirect
- Proteinase K
- ID Screen® APP serotyping kits
- ADV positive freeze-dried serum (naturally-infected animal)
- ADV positive freeze-dried serum (vaccinated animal)
- ID Gene™ Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Duplex
- ID Screen® Trichinella Indirect Multi-species
- ID Screen® Toxoplasmosis Indirect Multi-species
- SVD positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Swine Vesicular Disease Competition
- PRRSV Positive Extraction Control
- PRRS positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® PRRS Indirect
- ID Screen® PEDV Indirect
- Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae Competition
- Mycobacterium avium positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Mycobacterium avium Indirect Multi-species
- ID Screen® Influenza A Nucleoprotein Swine Indirect
- ID Screen® Influenza A Antigen Capture
- ID Screen® Influenza A Antibody Competition Multi-species
- HEV positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Hepatitis E Indirect Multi-species
- FMD type A, O, Asia1 positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® FMD Type O Competition
- ID Screen® FMD Type Asia1 Competition
- ID Screen® FMD NSP Competition
- Classical Swine Fever positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Classical Swine Fever E2 Competition
- ID Screen® Brucellosis Serum Indirect Multi-species
- Brucella suis false positive freeze-dried porcine serum
- Swine brucellosis positive freeze-dried serum
- Swine brucellosis negative freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® Brucella suis Indirect
- ID Gene™ African Swine Fever Triplex
- ASFV Positive Extraction Control
- ID Screen® ASF Oral Fluids (Biwell)
- ID Screen® African Swine Fever Indirect
- ASF positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® African Swine Fever Competition
- ID Screen® Aujeszky gE Competition
- Negative freeze-dried porcine serum
- ID Screen® Aujeszky gB Competition
- APP negative freeze-dried serum
- APP 12 positive freeze-dried serum
- APP 10 positive freeze-dried serum
- APP 4-7 positive freeze-dried serum
- APP 3-6-8 positive freeze-dried serum
- APP 2 positive freeze-dried serum
- APP 1-9-11 positive freeze-dried serum
- ID Screen® APP Screening Indirect (serotypes 1 through 12)
- ID Gene™ Mag Fast Extraction Kit
- ID Gene™ Spin Universal Extraction Kit
- ID Gene™ African Swine Fever Duplex
- ID Screen® Influenza H5 Duck Indirect
- ID Screen® Infectious Bronchitis Indirect 2.0
- Ready-to-use multi-positive chicken serum – ref. C
- MG/MS Positive Extraction Control
- ID Screen® ORT Indirect
- ID Screen® Influenza H5 Indirect
- Direct lysis buffer
- Serum Transport Card
- ID Screen® Avian Salmonella Indirect – Groups B and D
- ID Screen® Avian Salmonella Indirect – Group D
- ID Screen® Avian Reovirus Indirect
- ID Screen® Pasteurella multocida Duck Indirect
- ID Screen® Pasteurella multocida Chicken and Turkey Indirect
- NDV Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ Newcastle Disease Duplex
- ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Nucleoprotein Indirect
- ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Indirect Conventional Vaccines
- ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Indirect
- ID Screen® Newcastle Disease Competition
- ID Gene™ MG/MS Triplex
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma synoviae Indirect
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma meleagridis Indirect
- ID Screen® Mycoplasma gallisepticum Indirect
- ID Screen® MG/MS Indirect
- ID Screen® ALV Antigen Capture
- ID Gene™ Influenza H5/H7 Triplex – Export version
- FLUH9 Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ Influenza H9 Lineage G1-like Duplex
- Influenza A Positive Extraction Control
- ID Gene™ Influenza A Duplex
- ID Screen® Influenza H9 Indirect
- ID Screen® Influenza competitive subtype-specific kits (H5, H7, H9)
- Ready-to-use chicken positive serum FLU-S
- ID Screen® Influenza A Nucleoprotein Indirect
- ID Screen® ILT Indirect
- ID Screen® ILT gI Indirect
- ID Screen® ILT gB Indirect
- ID Screen® Infectious Bronchitis Competition
- ID Gene™ Infectious Bronchitis Duplex
- ID Screen® IBD VP2
- ID Screen® IBD Indirect
- ID Screen® AEV Indirect
- Ready-to-use multi-positive chicken serum – ref. A
- ID Screen® EDS Indirect
- Ready-to-use multi-positive chicken serum – ref. B
- ID Screen® Avian Metapneumovirus Indirect
- Ready-to-use negative chicken serum
- Ready-to-use chicken positive serum FLU-C
- DI SARS-CoV-2 MOC/I Multiplex (CE-IVD)
- DI™ Monkeypox Virus Duplex
- ID Screen® SARS-CoV-2-N IgG Indirect ELISA
- Plastic kit extract – 96
- Plastic tip combs – 32
- Deepwell plates – 32
- Plastic tip combs – 96
- Elution plates – 96
- Deepwell plates – 96
- IDEAL™ 32 extraction robot
- IDEAL™ 96 extraction robot