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Contagious agalactia

ID Gene™ Contagious Agalactia Triplex


Real-time PCR assay for the qualitative detection of DNA from mycoplasmas responsible for contagious agalactia in small ruminants milk

The ID Gene™ Contagious Agalactia Triplex kit is a ready-to-use, qualitative Triplex detection kit that simultaneously detects in real time:

  • a target sequence specific of Mycoplasma agalactiae genome in the VIC®/ HEX™ channel,
  • a target sequence specific of the genomes of mycoplasmas belonging, or phylogenetically close to, the Mycoplasma mycoides cluster, in the FAM™ channel,
  • a sequence specific of the exogenous Non-Target Positive Control NTPC-AGA, added to each sample and control before the nucleic acid extraction step, to validate the quality of the extraction and to assess the presence of qPCR inhibitors, in the Cy5 channel.

This kit can be used to test indivudual or bulk milks from small ruminants.




Reliable and safe
  • Detects all pathogens which cause Contagious Agalactia and differentiates M. agalactiae from the M. mycoïdes cluster/ M.putrefaciens
  • Offers excellent performance:
    • detection on bulk tank milk even at low prevalence: LDPCR (95%) : 4 copies/PCR
    • earlier detection of pathogen compared to competitors (mean ΔCq= -1,8) thanks to high analytical sensitivity
    • excellent inclusivity and exclusivity
  • Allows to check the quality of all qPCR steps thanks to the exogenous control:
    • certify that the extraction and amplification steps were run correctly
    • efficiently detect inhibitors
Convenient and time-saving
  • Fastest time-to-results on the market: 90 min.
  • May be used in any lab thanks to compatibility with all commonly used thermocyclers
  • Ready-to-use reagents enabling high throughput analysis

Method :

Real time qPCR - Triplex - Qualitative

Species :


Sample types :

Small ruminants milk

Product reference


IDAGA-50 50
IDAGA-100 100

Associated products

Positive extraction control

Freeze-dried control consisting of inactivated Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides strains, diluted in negative goat milk. Read more