Veterinary Diagnostics

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Avian Leukosis Virus (ALV)

ID Screen® ALV Antigen Capture


Sandwich ELISA for the detection of p27 antigen of the Avian Leukosis Virus in chicken light albumen or cloacal swabs




  • Improved analytical sensitivity with respect to other commercial ELISAS
  • A wide spectrum of detection, given that the kit may be used to detect all virus subgroups, including the new K strain circulating in China

Method :

Sandwich ELISA

Species :


Specimens :

Light albumin or cloacal swabs

Coated antigen :

Anti-p27 monoclonal antibody

Conjugate :

Anti-p27-HRP conjugate (concentrated 10X)

Product reference

Kit format


Plate format

ALVAG-5P 5 plates 480 1 x 96-well whole plates
ALVAG-10P 10 plates 960 1 x 96-well whole plates